Skyward by Brandon Sanderson

When someone tries to crush our dreams, we have to put in extra efforts to live our very dream. But what if this someone actually has a point in stopping us, what if it is for the greater good? What do we do then? When heritage becomes a box instead of an inspiration, it has... Continue Reading →

The Wicked King by Holly Back

I regret not reading this book immediately after its release. The ending of this book left me with wanting so much more, but isn't that what good books supposed to do? Power is much easier to acquire than it is to hold on to. This book is second in the series of  "The Folk of... Continue Reading →

The Art of Escaping by Erin Callahan

What a refreshing read! This book is similar yet different to all the YA books out there. I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley, in exchange for an honest feedback. The past grounds us, places us on a timeline, but it's always open to interpretation. Mattie McKenna is a high schooler. Since childhood,... Continue Reading →

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